
Friday, November 8, 2013

Author Spotlight Rissa Blakeley

1. If you were a character in your one of your books who would you be ?

 I would say the female lead in book two, Quinn. She is so strong and could tackle anything that she faces no matter how awful the situation is. Which is so not me. I'd shut down in a split second.

2.  If you could date or marry one of your male leads who would it be??

 For sure the male lead in book two... Gunther. He's a sexy blonde beast, who loves a great night of debauchery. Maybe this told you too much about myself...

3. Where would you like to do a book signing that you have not been to yet? 

I haven't been to one yet, so any book signing would do. Although, I would prefer a signing event so my socially awkward weirdness would just blend in with the crowd.

4. What Author would you Fan girl over if you met them??

 Without a doubt J.R. Ward. She amazes me with what she creates.

5. If you could vacation anywhere in the world where would you go?


6.  Out if all the reviews written for your books is there one that stood out from the rest one that you will always remember good or bad?? 

Well, it's not published yet so there aren't any reviews. I had someone start beta reading it early on and she cut my characters to bits. It felt like a dagger in my heart. Definitely something I will never forget.

7.  Would you like to see your books come to life movie, mini series or big screen?? If so is there a specific producer who you think would do your book justice?? 

Wouldn't that be a dream! I would love to see my books on the big screen. I would probably pass out because I am that lame.

8.  Lets turn the tables a bit we are always Interviewing authors so now here is your chance to ask bloggers and your readers if you could interview the blogs who promote you and your readers who love you what 3 questions would you ask them?

- What do you want to see less of in the Indie market?

- What types of plot lines pisses you off the most?

- Would you read outside of your usual genre if a book has great reviews?

9. What is your favorite candy??

 Reeses Peanut Butter cups. I could mow down a bunch of those in one sitting. This is a dangerous time of year for my hips.

10. What's your all time favorite movie?

 This is a tough one. There are several movies that I love. One that sticks out that I watch at least once a year and have for years: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It's an oddball choice, but it has turned into a holiday tradition. Plus, my husband and I quote the movie year round. Sad but true fact. 

Expected publication: October 25th 2014

Elaina Cooper's world was turned upside down on her wedding day. She was about to marry Henry Daniels, the man of her dreams or so she thought. Just as she was to walk down the aisle, screams pierced the air and with that, the apocalypse had begun.

Elaina felt something was wrong; Henry knew far too much about the undead roaming the street and she was determined to get to the bottom of it no matter what it took. Henry's haunted past catches up to him in more ways than one. He must face his demons and Elaina must learn to accept him and his past. Henry is determined to fight to the very end to make their sexy, mercurial relationship work no matter what staggers in their path.

Along with their thrown together band of survivors, they must travel south to face Henry's haunted past. There will be joys and loss but in the end, can love hold them together?

Rissa Blakeley is a quirky freelance writer and the author of Broken Dreams, the first book in the Shattered Lives series. She lives a socially awkward life just outside of Atlanta, Georgia with her amazing husband and daughter, two four-legged, furry children, and the many characters poking her brain, looking for more scenes about them in her books. When she isn't writing, she can be found procrastinating on Facebook

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